Monday, February 14, 2011

Learning to Recyle, compost and become self-sustainable

Imagine that we live and work in a self-sustainable welcome center in the upper peninsula of the state of Michigan.

An example of how we can maintain and create a self-sustainable environment can be a base for beginning our project. "Technically, geothermal energy will be harnessed for heating and cooling systems within the building. This system will be tied to a passive ventilation system to reduce energy usage".As shared by the Sustainable Living Program"
Garbage and Recycling are important aspects to consider when trying to live a healthier, self-sustainable Greener lifestyle. Everything in our self-sustainable green building will need to be recycled and reused. How shall we achieve this?

First, we must research how we can go about recycling our supplies.  There are many governmental documents to support living a cleaner, organic, green lifestyle. Blogs are also a wonderful way to research what we need to know about recycling. Visiting educational and environmentally friendly blogs can provide excellent information:
An additional resource for information:

Recycling and Reuse Module

Recycling and Reuse Learning Units

To h "become critical of the upstream and downstream effects of building design, construction, use, and disposal the problems of scarcity, costly extraction, and increased regulatory provisions associated with unsustainable natural resource consumption and waste disposal."
. This lengthy (100+ pp.) document, complete with more than 100 illustrations, provides an introduction (45K Acrobat file) as well as discussions, case studies, and exercises for each of the following topics:

  • Waste Prevention 1,291K Acrobat file

  • Construction and Demolition Recycling 2,261K Acrobat file

  • Architectural Reuse 951K Acrobat file

  • Design for Materials Recovery 748K Acrobat file

    Recycling and Reuse Appendices, Bibliography, and Annotations

    Appendices, a list of 100 books and journals specifically related to the recycling and reuse of building materials, and summaries of selected publications.
    168K Acrobat file [Printed copy available for $11]

    Case Studies Module

    Sustainable Development Case Study

  • We can recycle our food consumption by running our organic waste into our custom designed water filtrating system and composting system and by catching rain water to recycle.

    Capture, store, recycle, reuse rain and storm water with RainXchange

    Composting: We are Learning to make a compost Bin to recycle :

    We use recycle bins to organize our recycling efforts!

    Recycle what is composted. We recycle the waste, paper materials and kitchen waste to sustain the welcome system and to nourish the compost bins.We use the composted material to fertilize our gardens, nourish the plant life and feed the native wildlife.

    With recycling, composting and sharing of natural resources, the Welcome Center thrives. We reuse and recycle to reuse while reducing our waste materials. This helps us to be a wonderful new self sustainable welcome center!

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